Anti-counterfeiting policy

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Anti-counterfeiting policy


Today, despite having complete detection tools and anti-counterfeiting cooperation between supply chain partners, inferior or counterfeit products still plague the entire industry. Some unused inventory passes through sales that do not meet industry traceability, processing and quality control standards. Channel delivery.


We are committed to providing customers with the highest quality products. As a member of the anti-counterfeiting organization, we always adhere to the excellent quality of electronic components and put an end to all counterfeit and shoddy products.


In order to avoid introducing counterfeit products into our supply chain, Tomboco strictly selects our reliable supplier partners. Only suppliers who strictly abide by our high standards (such as manufacturers, franchisees, OEM, CM, independent and reputable distributors) can become our strict supply chain partners. We also have complete and strict testing standards. Use the most advanced testing equipment, and have experienced field application engineers, dedicated to auditing the sources and products of all components. All components are transported to tombco quality testing center, where they are inspected and their source is verified (through our high-power microscope, electrical performance test, capacitor circuit value verification and acetone verification test, etc.).


Tomboco will not purchase products from channels other than authorized manufacturers and independent reputable distributors. Tomboco only sells original products. Our customers can rest assured that Tomboco will take all possible precautions to ensure that they receive authorized original parts. We are committed to providing authorized original parts to customers all over the world.

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